Wednesday, 1 March 2023

lemon and blog


Hello there, let’s skip all the nonsence and straight to the point. Welcome to my new blog. My 100th blog I think. Every time life throw me lemon, I make a new blog, to get over that lemon. Once the lemon passed, I forgot it again and go on my life like usual. By usual means no writing, no place to vent because yeah, I have no lemon. Then another lemon coming and as I forgot the previous blog so I make another blog. The the cycle goes on and on. I’m bad at documenting by the way and it affects all area of my life.

Cut the crap.

The blog title is today’s date, 1st of March 2023. What so special about today? Today is the day I officially own a magic card; a credit card (technically 2 credit cards cause I think it’s fashion.). Today is special because today is a historic day. Starting today will define make or break me. Whether in future days am I being a good or bad example. Will all my principles and reasons to have credit cards still preserved? Will I not overspend? And forever in debt. Or maybe it turns out better that I actually better than everyone think that  I am very financial literate? No one knows.

I plan to share all my spending here. What I buy, why, does it help to improve my quality of life; in short it’s a HAUL! I will share my goal too. I plan to straight pay right after use the credit card. That’s the plan. I am not kidding. I will live below my mean. However, just for this month, I am buying baju raya using credit card. Just because I am trying to utilize it and also for the points. I am paying my phone bill and PTPTN bill using credit card as well.


Key point

1.       Spend only 30% of the credit card limit. RM1500 for me then.

2.       Repeatedly ask “Do I really need this?” when to purchase something

3.       Declutter your room and wardrobe and life very often to avoid buying same thing twice or because you lose it somewhere and now you have very low money and too much eye brow pencils because you buy one every time you misplace.,you're%20below%20your%20means.

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