Friday, 28 April 2023

starve myself


I love me now, Alhamdulillah. It’s that I’m not having lunch, hence I look forward to have my first meal after work. And I’m not fasting. Really gotta fast afterward. And that I sleep soundly yesterday. Till 7.20am and missed subuh prayer, that is not something I’m proud of.


I like it when I kinda ‘starve’ myself, it makes all food taste good. Alhamdulillah. Like yesterday, I had nasi kerabu from pasar malam min thant and eat it in the car. It’s so good. I don’t it is because it’s really good or because I’m just hungry. It’s good for whatever reason. I mean if the food bad, even when I’m hungry, I can’t eat it.

Thursday, 27 April 2023

one day we will travel


I remember back then when I made an Instagram account on my virtual vacation. It’s when I realized that it is almost impossible. That time, I was playing Hollywood Kardashian and that game require the players to go to each place to finish tasks to maintain famous and relevant. New places unlocked every now and then once you level up.

I remember I use Google 360 in Prague, it’s like I can experience going to Prague myself. Ya Allah, hopefully one day I have enough money to travel the world. Amin YRA.


Remember that feelings are not facts.
Alhamdulillah that You saved me from so many things. Please Ya Allah, continue to provide me. Help me to be a good Muslim, always calm, beautiful, rich and have a lot of money and high intellectual capacity. Shower me with endless loves: loves from You and also the loves of Your creation.

Help me from jealousy and envy. Might it be I’m the one who jealous till it eating me up or otherwise.

Wednesday, 26 April 2023




H- here. Physically present for your partner. Availability.
E- expressing delight.
A- attunement. Tune to fit current situation

R- rituals and routine.
T- turn toward each other
S- self

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

hard to maintain


These days, it’s even hard to maintain a proper normal things. Everything feels so messed up. Basic things like taking bath also need to list down on to-do list. Maybe because I’m lack of energy. Everything is so exhausting. I forgot to drink Honey Citron as I suffered with sore throat few days back. Thanks Taylor Swift for brilliant Cruel Summer bridge that Syafeenaz and I required to scream out loud in the car because it’s almost perfect, it will be perfect if we didn’t suffer sore throat.

I mean like, it’s so so hard to be organized. Ya Allah, help me to be organized Ya Allah. Everything is so messed up and I feel like screaming.

Monday, 3 April 2023

3RD APRIL 2023


1.       Shifting mindset. When get salary and pay all those bills and commitment, be thankful instead that you are able, having provision to pay all those. Say Alhamdulillah instead.

2.       Skin care tips, whenever you start using new ingredient, always start small. By small is by small concentration and if no purging or reaction occur, gradually increase the concentration to increase effectiveness.

he doesnt care

  He doesn’t care anymore. That’s a bitter thing to digest. He’s not the same person anymore. Like he used to be. Digest that. Even you stil...