Wednesday, 29 March 2023

sayur kubis lemak putih


Detachment. I’m mastering the art of detachment.

Today, just for today, I want to not get mad and real cool. Not ask anything and be totally understanding. I want care less ya allah.

Stop spending too much time and money on pointless and worthless thing.

Nobody literally care about you, you have to take care of yourself.

Physical sunscreen is mineral sunscreen. Physical sunscreen sits on top of your skin and reflects sun rays while chemical sunscreen is absorbs into the skin and absorbs the uv rays, convert it to heat and release from body.

I should stop buying stuff on tiktok, I don’t need it. My outstanding is almost 1000. Maybe over.

Be selfless.

Continue to be kind, and never stop.

Ya Allah, make me someone who becomes the source of love, healing and guidance to others.


I love how achy my body feels after working out.

Alhamdulillah that I’m losing interest in obsessisng towards something that is not good for me. I don’t even want to remember it, ever. Please, vanish that from my memory but never erase the lesson I’ve learnt from  that.


I  love the calmness in the Ramadhan and aim to continue this calmness in the future. I want to be calm and focus on myself like this. Prioritize my life, my iman, my Allah.

Ya Allah, ease knowledge to me.


Resipi kubis masak lemak putih

-          Bawang 1

-          Cili besar 2-3 biji

-          Ikan bilis 1 genggam

-          Kubis ½

-          Santan 1 kotak

-          Garam

-          Serbuk perasa

Tuesday, 28 March 2023



Ya Allah, help me with my jealousy ya Allah. I don’t want to be jealous because being jealous is so consuming and make my life hard in every way. I also have a very serious trust issue. It’s because I used to trust a lot and my trust is being violated by someone I love dearly. And that’s the beginning of black episode, even until today. It’s becoming gray but sometimes black patch also have too.

Jealousy is bad. Jealousy strongly driven by shaytan. Shaytan likes jealousy. We should focus on ourselves instead. Jealousy is a serious spiritual disease.

Monday, 27 March 2023

be proud with what you do


I realized that the only way to have fun with this job or any job is by putting all heart, focus to it. This is how I earn and I need to do this whole heartedly. I choose this job. And this job is important. I always feel like I don’t belong, not only here, but everywhere I go I just feel like I don’t belong and not important. It’s lack of confidence. This is something I need to work on. Be confident. I belong. I am the boss of my job. First stop is to know what I do. So, study abundantly. Be fierce with what you do. Don’t care about people not liking you when you do your job, after all this is how you earn. This is everything. This pays your bills and life. This help you to get closer with Allah. This is your provision, your rezeki, don’t be ashamed with your rezeki. You are doing a valid job. You are just like all those corporate people you are looking up to. Be proud with the job you do, always strive to be better. Ya Allah, help me with this. Verily only You can help me with this.

Thursday, 23 March 2023

so far


Ya Allah, forgive me Ya Allah. Astaghfirullahalazim. I know why this happen. I plan for destruction. Forgive me Ya Allah for planning to do astray from Your path. Forgive me Ya Allah. Forgive me Ya Allah. Forgive me Ya Allah. I plan to do something that you inhibit then it suddenly straight away happen. Ya Allah what should I do Ya Allah. Am I trapped? This is just me and me Ya Allah. Help me Ya Allah. Why am I like this? By doing something like this is just pushing people away Ya Allah. I should be more carefree, and focus more on You ya Allah. I want to repair our relationship Ya Allah. But please Ya Allah, don’t take away him from me, don’t let anything bad happen that repulse us Ya Allah. This is so hard to put to words Ya Allah. I don’t want to hurt anymore ya Allah but holding too tight also hurt me in other way. What should I do Ya Allah. Help me to focus to You and only You Ya Allah. But I also want to be with him Ya Allah. Or that just the idea of him make me so attached Ya Allah. Please help me Ya Allah. I don’t want to deal with any more heartbreaks Ya Allah. Please let me be happy in general, please let our relationship happy, I want us to be together so bad Ya Allah. Please, make him right for me Ya Allah. He’s drinking. For the most I know is during the weekend. I can detect some how. And I’m supposed to know that , that’s the habit of his people. Ya Allah, what should I do with this fact Ya Allah. Other than that he is ok. He can pretty much cope up with my shit. So far

Outstanding balance : RM 919.06

Sunday, 19 March 2023

MFK Baccarat 504


The weather is so hot right now. Like so so hot, even at night, it’s still hot. Ramadhan is coming in 3 days, I am excited and here’s my little preparation. I plan to read the summary of the Quran, every day. As study material. I have downloaded the one I think suitable and will go through it every day insha Allah. The goal is also to khatam Quran in a month, which is pretty much my goal every single year and as far as I can remember, I accomplished that goal on 2017. The only year I’m capable of doing that. This year, I want to try again. It might be kinda hard actually, but I’m gonna try anyway.


Beauboss is a local inspired perfume. I bought one, Maison Francis Kurkdjian (MFK) which I can’t even pronounce but all I know that this is a very expensive perfume that cost more than RM1000. MFK is the brand, the name of the perfume is Baccarat Rouge 540. It’s a unisex uniform with thick woody smell, just like Mama’s Arabic perfume. It also contain saffron which explains the Arabic scent. What I found bizarre is that when I wear it, I don’t think like its long lasting and strong but whenever I wear it, the smell is like left behind. Mama complaint about it non stop. It somehow smell masculine, hence the claim; unisex. Fun fact, Olivia Rodrigo wears this perfume too. Most perfume used is 0.2 to 0.4% but this particular perfume use 12% ; which no one had ever done that before.


“You smell good’. Everyone, if someone every said that to you, bear in mind that that’s one of the best compliment someone could ever give and it reflects that you are beautiful, hygienic and take a very good care of yourself. Keep it up!

 Please refrain yourself from buying extra cheap perfume, even though it smells good and smell exactly like expensive famous perfume. This is because it have a high potential to give you headache. I bought one at eco shop for RM2.40 and yes, it smells good, just like one of my sister's expensive perfume. However, every time I wear it, I have headache. So long story short, don't buy it!

Monday, 13 March 2023

wardah toner lightening


Now I’m blogging using my phone. I actually want to use Microsoft word app so that I can know the word count. My target word per post is 300 words. 

Let’s talk about skin care. This from famous brand from Indonesia, Wardah. Their price is affordable and have a lot of range, may it from acne, brightening and as well as anti-aging. Please to inform everyone that by the age 25, you can start opting for anti-aging range as we are starting to age. Our collagen formation is becoming slow as we age, prevention is better than curing.

today i want to talk about this toner from Wardah it’s Lightening face toner with Niacinamide or vitamin B3. That’s it. wow i’m bad at this :( 

this toner is with pH balanced formula that help to absorb the next products. 

why pH balanced is important? it’s important as the skin’s barrier is slightly acidic in order to keep moisture in and bacteria out. if your face is too alkaline, your face is going to look flaky and red. however if it’s too acidic , it will increase the chance of inflammatory skin conditions like acne and eczema.

niacinamide is a versatile ingredient. niacinamide can improve skin hydration by preventing evaporation of moisture from the skin into the environment. it’s also a natural anti inflammatory ingredient, so it’s great for calming irritates skin as well as good for people with sensitive skin.

niacinamide can be use everyday. it can be incorporated with cleanser, moisturizer and serum and can be used both in the morning and at night. 

niacinamide significantly decreased hyperpigmentation and increase skin lightness. it works by inhibiting melanosome transfer from melanocytes to keratinocytes. 

melanosome : intercellular organelles that are uniquely generated by pigment cells in the skin and eye 

melanocytes : produce specific organelles in which melanin pigment is synthesized and deposited 

keratinocytes : major cell type of the epidermis, the outermost of the layers of the skin 

so niacinamide inhibit pigment from visible to skin by inhibit transfer from melanocytes to the epidermis ( the outer skin, skin which we can see)

credit card : RM590.08

Friday, 3 March 2023

not 300 words cuz i want to go home d


When I’m alone (but not lonely because I’m busy doing chores for survival like taking bath, getting ready to work etc), I have a lot on my mind to write to you, my blog. My new lover. My blog. The whole idea is to write everyday about every thing. By every thing is really every single thing like my recent purchase and review, movies I watch and rating, meals I eat and cook , restaurant recommendation, fashion piece, makeup I want to try, photo edit, formulation on cosmetic and skin care, project planning and the most importantly is the cost. How I spend my money. Minimum words for each entry is 300 words.

Yesterday , my friends and I went to Tuah CafĂ© in Bangi. Sedap. I like it there. I ordered Grilled Chicken Olio and I love it so much. Can repeat again for sure. Can bring Min there for our next date. I love seeing gal pals there having chit chats, just like my university days. Ah I miss my uni girls but they don’t reply to my group chat.


Omg, time to go home.


Credit card outstanding RM152.30


Thursday, 2 March 2023

i'm a blogger


Hello there. Second entry on second day. I already activated my credit cards. I honestly don’t know what to feel because it’s not all sunshine and rainbow. I hate seeing outstanding amount on my Maybank app. Keep in mind that the limit usage is RM1500 only. I’ve used RM80 and RM 400 left. And that’s for another 31 days to go.


The weekend plan is


1.     1.   Go pound fitness with Ameera at 8 am then went for brunch, perhaps at My Ayam Ketuk. Their pecel lele is to die for because it’s so good. For only RM13, you can get 2 pieces of ikan keli and their sambal taste homemade. The only problem is that their service is so slow. Even when you come not hungry, you will become hungry while waiting because very slow. Once you placed order then only they start frying you fish, gesek your sambal and probably start tanak nasi. However, it’s forgiven because the meal is delicious.


2.      2.  Imaginur with Min. At GSC Alamanda, 11.30am. I don’t know whether I’m able to make it or not. Let’s say pound fitness ends at 10am, then brunch with Ameera. Need to get leave at 10.30am. Sound impossible. Maybe can skip the pecel lele because we plan to have boat noodle on Sunday. Plus, Min told me to not come smelly. So I need to doll up before meeting him.



1.     1.   Bring Min to Ameera’s clinic for scaling. Hopefully don’t cost much. In my dream. Then, boat noodle!

I only can buy contact lens and contraceptive pills today. And dinner of course. Will share all to you. Because now I'm a blogger. And have a lot of work that I supposed to do but first come first, I'm a blogger




Wednesday, 1 March 2023

lemon and blog


Hello there, let’s skip all the nonsence and straight to the point. Welcome to my new blog. My 100th blog I think. Every time life throw me lemon, I make a new blog, to get over that lemon. Once the lemon passed, I forgot it again and go on my life like usual. By usual means no writing, no place to vent because yeah, I have no lemon. Then another lemon coming and as I forgot the previous blog so I make another blog. The the cycle goes on and on. I’m bad at documenting by the way and it affects all area of my life.

Cut the crap.

The blog title is today’s date, 1st of March 2023. What so special about today? Today is the day I officially own a magic card; a credit card (technically 2 credit cards cause I think it’s fashion.). Today is special because today is a historic day. Starting today will define make or break me. Whether in future days am I being a good or bad example. Will all my principles and reasons to have credit cards still preserved? Will I not overspend? And forever in debt. Or maybe it turns out better that I actually better than everyone think that  I am very financial literate? No one knows.

I plan to share all my spending here. What I buy, why, does it help to improve my quality of life; in short it’s a HAUL! I will share my goal too. I plan to straight pay right after use the credit card. That’s the plan. I am not kidding. I will live below my mean. However, just for this month, I am buying baju raya using credit card. Just because I am trying to utilize it and also for the points. I am paying my phone bill and PTPTN bill using credit card as well.


Key point

1.       Spend only 30% of the credit card limit. RM1500 for me then.

2.       Repeatedly ask “Do I really need this?” when to purchase something

3.       Declutter your room and wardrobe and life very often to avoid buying same thing twice or because you lose it somewhere and now you have very low money and too much eye brow pencils because you buy one every time you misplace.,you're%20below%20your%20means.

he doesnt care

  He doesn’t care anymore. That’s a bitter thing to digest. He’s not the same person anymore. Like he used to be. Digest that. Even you stil...