Detachment. I’m mastering the art of detachment.
Today, just for today, I want to not get mad and real cool.
Not ask anything and be totally understanding. I want care less ya allah.
Stop spending too much time and money on pointless and
worthless thing.
Nobody literally care about you, you have to take care of
Physical sunscreen is mineral sunscreen. Physical sunscreen
sits on top of your skin and reflects sun rays while chemical sunscreen is
absorbs into the skin and absorbs the uv rays, convert it to heat and release
from body.
I should stop buying stuff on tiktok, I don’t need it. My outstanding
is almost 1000. Maybe over.
Be selfless.
Continue to be kind, and never stop.
Ya Allah, make me someone who becomes the source of love,
healing and guidance to others.
I love how achy my body feels after working out.
Alhamdulillah that I’m losing interest in obsessisng towards
something that is not good for me. I don’t even want to remember it, ever.
Please, vanish that from my memory but never erase the lesson I’ve learnt
from that.
I love the calmness
in the Ramadhan and aim to continue this calmness in the future. I want to be
calm and focus on myself like this. Prioritize my life, my iman, my Allah.
Ya Allah, ease knowledge to me.
Resipi kubis masak lemak putih
Bawang 1
Cili besar 2-3 biji
Ikan bilis 1 genggam
Kubis ½
Santan 1 kotak
Serbuk perasa