Friday, 26 May 2023

just the right amount


So many cheatings now; I mean revealed ones. We never know the actual amount of cheatings that happening all around the world but with the help of widely used and easily accessed by everyone, exposing ones cheating behavior is becoming more famous. A lot of lessons to learn from each story. Just because it not happen to you (yet) doesn’t mean that it will never happen to you. Hopefully none of us ever feel being cheated on or if you ever did, pray hard for you to never go through that again.

So today’s story on Twitter is about her boyfriend slept with her friend behind her back. The son of the bitch repeatedly labelling the fat friend as nasty, smelly and all other bad description to end up actually sleep with the friend. Then I saw a tweet saying something like if your man talk bad about some girl, you need to be worried! Yes, I trust you girl! Couldn’t find that tweet but you get the point.

Be super careful girls with your own boy.

Love but just in the right amount.

Trust, just in the right amount.

Praise, just in the right amount.

Control, just in the right amount.


And remember that everything, everyone is just a loan from Allah SWT.

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