95 posts more. I remember that few years back, when I was in
diploma years, I think I have a minor bipolar disorder. Sometimes I felt ok. I
was fine. I was in fact ecstatic, extremely happy and then ne next day I was
being extremely sad. Ya Allah, Alhamdulillah, now I’m no longer that person. I don’t
know what’s making me being who I am today, though I’m not perfect at all now,
but I’m getting better. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Even now, I too have a lot of things
to think but everything is under control. The only thing is that I feel
distance from Allah. Help me with that Ya Allah, but please, don’t let anything
bad happen. I am afraid that in order to be close to You, You gave me tests
that going to be so hard. Don’t want that. I just want peace and a lot of money
and make my mama and led proud of me.